may 25, 2023
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the mission statement of the DID handbook is as follows.

1. to create a central hub of information on dissociative disorders, specifically dissociative identity disorder, in an attempt to clear up frequent misinformation about these disorders both among people who have them and among the psychiatrists and therapists who treat them.

2. to continually update the central hub as i continue on my journey of self-discovery and self-improvement.

3. to continue to improve upon the methods this central hub uses and upon my methods for dissemination.

it is important to me to have a mission statement to both keep my objective clear to myself and to make it clear to others what the point of this website is. it is rarely a place i will use to voice my opinions. if you have come looking for discourse, look elsewhere. that being said, the owner of this site is firmly anti-psych AND anti-endogenic. this is not a contradiction, even if you believe it to be.