may 25, 2023
click here
click here

this is the masterlist of resources for dissociative disorders. all of these are hyperlinked.

some of these require you to utilize, which is a free service that i highly recommend for online reading.

openlibrary link
borrowing a book from internet archive guide
some other resources may direct you to a link to download an epub file, which you should then convert into a pdf using any of the following websites: 1, 2, 3

i have tried my best to find versions with audiobooks where available, primarily for memoirs. the internet archive allows you to apply for a 'print disabled' account, offering people with difficulty reading printed text the ability to have books read to them using text-to-speech. i have not personally tried out this feature, so i cannot vouch for its effectiveness or its consistency or accuracy.

without further ado, here is the masterlist. entries marked with ** are things i have personally read and found helpful, or been recommended by a close friend.

guides for systems

got parts?**
dissociative identity disorder sourcebook
amongst ourselves: a self-help book to living with dissociative identity disorder
living with yourselves: a survival manual for people with multiple personalities

scientific journals

6 DID myths debunked**
multimodal treatment of a patient with comorbid DID
linking the overwhelming with the unbearable**
psychosis, dissociation, and trauma: evolving perspectives on severe psychopathology**
documentation of childhood maltreatment and the corroboration of symptoms (note: this study uses a small sample group of violent offenders. i am including it for its depictions of childhood dissociative symptoms.)
comparative study between DID and schizophrenia spectrum disorders
distinguishing between imaginary friends and alters in young boys
elena: a case of DID from the 1920s**

personal memoirs

please understand a lot of these have very graphic depictions of CSA.

when rabbit howls (audiobook option included)**
the flock (audiobook option included)**